• Welcome to Psybank
    Psybank is a therapy tool for member therapists and their clients.
  • You have more interactive communication with your clients
    It provides practical and easy communication among therapists and clients.
  • Compatible to all platforms
    Smart phone
    Desktop computer

Psybank features

Psybank Main Features

The platform can operate independetly. It expands the interaction between the therapist and the client and provides practical and easy therapeutical communication.


You can reach it by your compatible interface with your smart phone, tablet and desktop computer anywhere and whenever you want.


You may observe your therapy strategy that you follow for your client on a single page. You may grasp your client’s approach, where she/he has a hitch before you look over your notes.


Fast reach to client information, you may reach to scale results and how the referred material has been consumed.


You may give their scales online to the client. You may reach to scale reports or you may make a comparison between countries.

With smart therapy record form, register the information you receive during the session according to the categories. Record your performed techniques. Track the cognitions, behaviours and emotions that you work on.

Smart therapy record form scans the entered information for you and offers early related entries. With the help of this feature you do not need to take written notes more.

Therapy Record Form :
There are forms about the techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy. Therapy record form helps you to take notes easily as you use your techniques during your session.It also reflects the forms to a screen which your client can see and perform simultaneously. There is also an option for your client to perform independently out of the session. With the help of Psybank, you may activate your client’s thinking, emotional and behavorial track forms. So, your client may apply these techniques with the forms by smart phones, tablet or PCs easily.

Practical and Easy Communucation:
You may reach your therapy strategy from a single page. You may also track your client’s improvement, the point where she/he has a hitch, repeating events without going over your previous notes.

With the help of Psybank, your clients can fill out their scale form easily using smart phones, tablets or PCs. The system provides an easy solution to answer all the questions and shows you the results with the help of graphics.

Tracking Depression and Anxiety levels:

You may track the level of depression and anxiety of your client easily. Being able to see all the records on a single scale will show you the process of treatment.


The system provides to make comparison between the tests reported from Turkey, England or world average.

With the help of Psybank you may show your clients the material recommended for reading or watching by a single click through their interface. Recommended readings and films will appear on your client’s page.

Once the materials are read or watched, Psybank takes a record of them for you and you may reach your client’s content during following sessions.

Why should you use Psybank?

Psybank offers you to organize your work for schema therapy and cognitive therapy. You may reach the scale data of your client from anywhere.

Fast Track

Reach your client data fast and safe.

Scale Reports

You may offer the scales used often in schema therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and other approaches to your clients easily and let it estimate the results automatically. The results can only be seen by you and by your client. You can reach them from anywhere.

Therapy strategy

Make notes of data recorded and catagorized according to the cognitive behavioral model during the session easily. Make links between the data and plan your treatment according to these smart connections.

Assignment fort the client

You may provide the material that you wish to offer for reading or watching by only one click on the client interface and track the results.


Sistemin en önemli faydaları arasında danışanın şemalarını anlaması ve somutlaştırması olduğunu biliyorum. Terapide konuşulan ve şemaları açıklarken işin eğitim kısmında oldukça faydalı buluyorum. Terapist açısından da tüm data elinin altında eğer sistemde her seansı kaydedebilirsen seans takibini yapmakta çok kolay oluyor. Ayrıca terapistin işini kolaylaştıran bilişsel terapide de kullanılan bir çok yöntemi rahatça kullanabiliyorsun. Eğer seansta tablet kullanıyorsan işin daha da kolaylaşıyor. Seans bittiğinde notlarınıda kişisel hesapta danışanın dosyasına kaydetmiş oluyorsun terapide kurulması gereken güven ilişkisine de katkı sağladığını düşünüyorum. Sevgiler emeklerinize sağlık Cenk Kahvecioğlu
Psybank'in olumlu ve güzel yanları, danışan üye olurken terapist onayı oluşu. Okuma konularının olması ve danışanın onları okuyup okumadığının belli olması. Ölçeklerin ayrıntılı sonuçlarının oluyor oluşu ve danışanın da bunu görebiliyor oluşu. Kadir Burak Salimoğlu
Bize sunduğunuz bu çalışma için danışanlarım ve kendim adıma sonsuz teşekkürler. Sunduğum hizmet kalitesini olumlu yönden çok etkiliyor, oldukça işlevsel buluyorum...
Sevgilerimle... Psikolojik gelişim ve aile danışmanı Nur Meriç

About Psybank

Psybank, is a therapy tool used by therapists and their clients.

It provides a secure therapy place compatible for smart phones, tablets and PCs working with 128 Bit SSL Certificate.

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Membership options

You may start to use Psybank as you choose the package appropriate for you personally or as a clinic.



  • 1 Clinic or Person
  • 1 User
  • Limitless Client
  • System Support
  • 1 year membership (Including VAT)



  • 1 Clinic
  • 3 User
  • Limitless Client
  • System Support
  • 1 year membership (Including VAT)



  • 1 Clinic
  • 10 User
  • Limitless Client
  • System Support
  • 1 year membership (Including VAT)

Psybank can use up to 10 clients FREE MEMBERSHIP CLICK HERE!

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